Contact us in a way that is convenient for you. We are always available for any questions or suggestions.
Our Team
Our management team has 5 years of experience in the digital agency industry. We have extensive experience in delivering results for our clients, and we are confident that we have the skills and experience needed to make Thrive Solutions a success.
  • Amir Dulatov
    CEO & Founder
  • Nick Poltoranin
    COO & FrontEnd
  • Vasilisa Medvedeva
    Chief Design Officer
  • Umid Kurbanov
    Android developer
  • Serge Andries
    Sales manager
  • Dan Ruzhanskyi
    Sales manager
  • Diana Shamshiyeva
    Sales manager
  • Danelya Shaikenova
    Content Specialist
  • Nuobin Shao
    Marketing Specialist

Thrive solutions

We believe in building long-term relationships with our customers and working together to achieve their goals.

Our team will work closely with you to understand your unique needs and develop a customized solution to meet those needs.

We are committed to providing our customers with the support they need to succeed online.
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